Here it goes for the rest of stalls distribution on the Li Yuans.
Remeber we mentioned the Li Yuans are one of the Hong Kong hottest tourist spot? Besides those traditonal items you guys read about on our previous entry, the Li Yuans also offer a wide variety of other products as well, such as:
Electronics products like these colorful watches.
其實利源二街有好多小檔,係出售電子用品,特別係鐘錶既(西街W4) You can easily find these cute eletronic stores on the Li Yuans (Li Yuan West W4) |
你睇下,賣布都有喎!不過唔知今時今日仲有冇人買布做衫? 行過幾步,睇下西寶城啲布檔點經營(西街W1) |
買件文具俾你個女等佢俾心機讀書啦 |
咁多車總有一款岩你心水(西街W2) |
呢個咕臣都幾靚呀(西街W3) |
呢檔係兩條街唯一一檔賣高科技產品......既保護套(西街W4) |